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Data Files
How long does it take for a roster to be loaded into DataManager?
Where can I find more information on setting up DataManager roster files
Where can I upload our staff, student, and location files for DataManager?
How Do You Get The Iowa Assessments™ National Percentile Ranking Scores for Kindergarten and First Grade Students?
Using the Iowa Assessments to Predict ACT Performance
DataManager Basics
How to Log-In to DataManager
How can we check our school's technical readiness?
What is DataManager and what does it do?
Where can I find information on how to prepare, deliver, and interpret DataManager assessments
Where Can The Secure Browser Be Downloaded For Student Access? Is There an Alternative To Using The Secure Browser?
See all 13 articles
DataManager Administration
How can I view my license information?
How do I move staff to a new location
How do I Re-Open an Event?
Can a student be moved from one school to another?
Where can I find the Directions for Administration?
See all 13 articles
DataManager Assessment
Which grade levels are self-guided and which need to be proctor-led for the Iowa Assessments™ and CogAT®?
Where Can I Find More Information On Texas Approved Reclassification Assessment?
How Many Questions and How Much Time Is Allotted for Iowa Assessments™?
What is the difference between a test event, a test assignment, and a test session in DataManager?
DataManager Proctoring
How do I remove a student from an active session?
When can I add additional time to a student or group I am testing?
Can a proctor administer a test from a Chromebook™?
DataManager Reporting
I am a DataPlus Account Holder and I have not received the email with my web reporting key.
I Tested A Student But I am Unable to Find Their Scores.
Inconsistent Response Pattern
About DataManager Reports and How to Run Them.
Where can I find the Data Export File Format For My Data Export?
DataManager Troubleshooting
Student testing status is not updating.
Disabling Chromebook Throttling
How do I close the Secure Student Browser on different computers?
I cannot get my student(s) logged into a testing session.
Can an event be deleted once testing has started?
See all 17 articles
Enabling Additional Audio Languages for CogAT® Upper Level tests
CogAT® Screening Form - Can the data be broken down or is it only the composite score that is available?
CogAT®: Testing time, Number of Items per Subtest and Completion Criteria.
Where can I find what the Cognitive Abilities Test™ (CogAT®) profile results mean?
Can A Student Assigned to Alt Verbal Take The Other Batteries With Non Alt Students?
See all 14 articles