Being unable to locate a student result can depend on several factors, here are a few to keep in mind when searching for results.

  1. Assessment Completion: To get a score in the Cognitive Abilities Test™ (CogAT®) battery, each assessment has a required minimum number of questions answered that will differ from one level to the next, see CogAT® Criteria for more information. Each Iowa Assessments™ also has it's own required minimum to produce a score, see Iowa Assessment™ Criteria for more information.
  2. Has it been 24 - 48 business hours since testing was completed? Many scores can be available before then but on heavy testing days it can take 24 - 48 business hours after completing the assessment before results are available.
  3. Unless you are an administrator with multiple location access,  the student must be assigned to a location the teacher is also assigned to. A proctor or teacher will not be able to view results for another school location they are not assigned to.