Although it is strongly encouraged that the examiner adhere to standardization procedures, the use of accommodations is reserved for the examiner based on their clinical judgment. The WJ IV™ Examiner's Manuals have recommended accommodations in Chapter 3: General Administration and Scoring Procedures. The accommodations selected for use in the given assessment are based on the examiner's discretion. Examiners can choose to confer with their colleagues and leadership prior to utilizing any accommodations.

Recommended accommodations are provided for the following: 

  • Young Children
  • English Language Learners
  • Individuals with Learning and/or Reading Difficulties
  • Individuals with Attentional and Behavioral Difficulties
  • Individuals with Hearing Impairments 
  • Individuals with Visual Impairments
  • Individuals with Physical Impairments

Examiners that use accommodations must be aware of interpretive cautions that come from modifying testing procedures. Valid use of the broad population normative information will depend on the extent to which the assessment varied from standard conditions. Derived scores may not be valid for tests that were administered significantly different from the standard procedures. The examiner must determine whether the procedures used during their administration have been altered to the extent that the published norms must be interpreted with caution.